Friday, September 18, 2009

HELP!!! I Have A Wild Child....

HELP, I have a wild child on my hands! This past week my daughter asked if we could bake a cake. I thought that would be fun since it has been awhile and she has become so talkative that I have really enjoyed our little conversations, so I thought no big deal, this will be fun! Well, it was fun and I was really impressed with how much she paid attention and listened to my directions. Then we put the cake in the oven, licked the spoons, and watched it cook, she thought that was so cool. Then I told her we had to wait till after dinner to have cake because it had to cool down. She was not to happy about that but we made it through dinner with out any tears. As I was cleaning up dinner and running around the kitchen, next thing I know she has moved her little stool and was standing on it and had eaten 1/2 of the cake already, I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked that I didn't notice too, since I was in the kitchen. She was so quite and a little sneak. I couldn't help but laugh and grab my camera. Enjoy :)

After cake she really went loco! She was running around the house and jumped on her JEEP and road around the living room and kitchen, laughing and trying to run our dog over!
Here she is telling me off. LOL! And to stay away or she'll get me!

My Silly Little Girl

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Latest Infant Car Seat Cover Design

Here is my latest design, goto my shop to buy!

I'm a SuperModel

Yes that's right, I'm a Supermodel! Here are the pictures of our latest photo shoot, for my mom's quilts! Enjoy!

Goto to buy!

Run the Bear

Here is the 1st marathon I have ever done! I still can't believe i did it bc I hate running, but living here makes me want to enjoy life more and to be apart of it. Enjoy my pics!

Our Latest Hike up to Castle Rock

Our hiking group, the fam.

The bottom of Castle Rock

Here is my husband and I. I couldn't go any further I started getting nervous, it was very steep.

Here we are up at the top of Castle Rock, what a great hike!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Crystal Cove Adventure

My Daughter and I, in front of the cottages on the Beach

I forgot her bikini bottoms, lol, so she has her diaper, poor baby!

Taking in the views

On our way back to the car

on our way to the tide pools

Carona Del Mar- The Bluffs

The bluffs with a ton of people, we were above it all

I've been wanting to goto Crystal Cover for awhile and just haven't had a chance since we moved. Well this past weekend was the perfect opportunity because a good friend was having her 30th birthday bash in Beverly Hills, so on the way home we decided to have a real beach day at Crystal Cove, and of course I invited my favorite little family to join us. Afterward we met our family in Corona Del Mar and had dinner on the Bluffs and watched the sunset, it was so beautiful, not to mention crowded. This was my 1st time and I had no idea how popular it was to do this on a Sunday evening. While having dinner our daughter met a cute little friend, next to us, and they had a bread eating contest. It was adorable! Where do kids get these ideas, all the parents were laughing so hard because we were all in shock! Great memories!

Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm in a Treasury!

I was recently added to a Treasury on Etsy from SnuggyBaby. Here you select some of your favorite items for a baby shower or gifts to mom, thanks for adding my infant car seat covers!
Go check out her Treasury, really cute stuff!

Thursday, September 3, 2009