Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here come the Holidays

The Holidays are coming and with that comes all the Holiday Boutiques. I did two last year and made some good money but nothing worth bragging about. I had just started my company and was just happy to cover my cost. I was only selling car seat covers and a few odds and ends.
Well this year is a whole different story. I've established my company in many children's boutiques and have a nice income coming in from them every month. I almost did not sign up for any boutique's but a good friend of mine told me it's always a good way to market and let people know you are still out there. I also sell many more products. I still sell the Infant car seat covers and in addition I sell Toddler car seat covers, adorable Baby Wipe cases, Paci Clips, Paci Bibs & Blankies to Drool For.
This past week I prepared and made a ton of inventory, I think I was sewing for a week straight, 24 hours a day, JK! :) (It just felt that way when I was done.) I did the show on Sunday and to my surprise people remembered me from the year before as the Baby Lady and I sold so much I could not believe it. I had a huge crowd around my table on and off through out the day and it went by so fast. To think I wasn't going to sell anything? I was so surprised and delighted!

Now I have to start preparing for my next show, wish me luck! If you want to take a peek at my Chubby Baby Boutique goto http://www.chubbybaby.etsy.com/