Have you ever lost your trust in everything because it seems like everyone's trying to scam you out of your hard earned money?
Or feel that people are trying to bullshit you?
The bullshitters seem to be very bad at it to, being that you can't shit a shitter.
You know?
The scammer(s) on Etsy are convoing sellers to ask for personal information to apparently pay for items by cheque or bank transfer BEFORE they have actually bought anything from the store. They are asking for Name, Address, phone number, email address and bank details! My advice is to stick to PayPal as your preferred method of payment (which is relatively safe) and if you receive a convo like this then reassert your payment policies and forward the convo to abuse@etsy.com
You should never take part in business transactions you don't feel comfortable with, nor reveal private information to those you don't trust.
You should never take part in business transactions you don't feel comfortable with, nor reveal private information to those you don't trust.
Basically an "interested party" will contact you with an offer to buy one of your items. Their interest will often be vague. ( i.e "I am interested in purchasing your STERLING SILVER JEWELRY.") They will usually inquire about whether you will ship overseas and if you accept cashier's checks or money orders. Often they will offer to pay you much more than is necessary to ship express or as fast as possible. Many times they will have other weird requests and instructions like telling you that their money order will have an additional amount added on, and when you deposit it, to withdraw the difference to send back to them. If you get any type of offer like this, beware! These knuckleheads aren't interested in your sterling silver jewelry: just free merchandise and stolen money!
Correspondence like this is almost always a scam! They'll offer you more money to take you off guard and get the item out of your hands as fast as possible. Any money order or check you get from these goof-balls will be a fraud. It will go into your bank, but once it doesn't clear and the jig is up, your bank will hold YOU accountable and these jokers will be long gone.
If you get a message like this, report it to the authorities! (Or at least abuse@etsy.com.) Then we can give these clowns the boot and keep our virtual streets safe for us good, honest citizens!
Correspondence like this is almost always a scam! They'll offer you more money to take you off guard and get the item out of your hands as fast as possible. Any money order or check you get from these goof-balls will be a fraud. It will go into your bank, but once it doesn't clear and the jig is up, your bank will hold YOU accountable and these jokers will be long gone.
If you get a message like this, report it to the authorities! (Or at least abuse@etsy.com.) Then we can give these clowns the boot and keep our virtual streets safe for us good, honest citizens!
This happened to me this week! They sent me a convo wanting to buy a Fancy and Fabulous Headboard, it's posted at $405. They just sent me a check for $3,000.00. I'm supposed to goto Western Union and send a cashiers check to a man in TX of the difference I owe them. I of course did not get the email till after the check arrived. Thank goodness I was smart enough to have them send the check to mail box ect. That is where the address looks like a real residence and not a PO Box, but it is a PO Box. Too bad a was dumb enough to fall for this and think this was real.