I was putting away dinner and glanced out my back window to check on my daughter playing outside and instead just saw the sky and all the amazing colors it was showing. I've never seen anything like it. I went outside and pointed to the sky and my daughter said " oh pretty." It really took my breath away. ( photos never do justice)
Well I know as of today why the sky had so many pretty colors and clouds, there is a huge storm today. I wake up to hearing a howling noise coming from my chimney in the front room. Then I open the back door to let my dog do her business, and to my shock we had no more patio furniture or baby toys in the back yard. Everything blew into our neighbors yard! OMG!!! I run inside and grab a coat, of course I'm still in my pajama's, but I don't care, it's starting to rain as I'm hoping my neighbors fence. Oh yeah, there is a fence too, how in the hell did this happen?!
Of course what can make this experience even better...... the howling wind whipping my hair in my face and the pouring rain that started really coming down. So I'm over in my neighbors yard tossing all of our things back over the fence and then dragging everything close to the house and closing things up. The umbrella was really fun, not! But as I was finishing up, I just started to laugh and couldn't stop. I think I ever brought a tear to my eye!
So I went inside and took a hot shower and got all cozy in my sweats and made a hot cup of coffee, sat on the couch and cuddled with my daughter and watched cartoons, can it get any better?!
So note to self in the future, pretty sunset with amazing clouds= BIG Storm the next day and you better pick up or you'll be over in your neighbor's yard again in pajama's and Soaking Wet!!!