I can't believe this! Chubby Baby is going to be in department stores. I got a call the other day and was informed that a large department store is very interested in my products and want them, I almost fell off my chair. By the end of the phone call they had already faxed over their contract that they want me to fill out and to fax it back as soon as possible so they can place their order.
I always new that Chubby baby had a lot of potential but I never dreamed it would ever go this far! My goal in creating this company was to have boutique items at a reasonable price, so not only the rich could have nice and Special baby items but us everyday Mom's who don't come from money could also feel special.
I'll post more details about the location and name of the department later as things get moving. You never know! I don't want to get carried away and have it vanish before my eyes. So wish me luck, now I'm off to talk to my manufacturer!