I am a mom to a smiley little girl, Mackenzie, who is 17 months old and my inspiration! I was taught to sew by my Grandmother, making little Cabbage Patch outfits as a child. My Mother also was a huge teacher, she is an avid Quilter and I can't tell you how many hours I've sat watching her cut fabric, sew and iron!
After I had my daughter and was sitting home bored, I thought to myself, I'm going to make a blanket! Mackenzie deserves a blanket, it's a nice touch, I'm a Mother know, this is what Mother's do! I just thought that it was going to be a huge project, and thank goodness I have a lot of time. But to my surprise it was really easy. I'm thinking Cool! I hadn't sewn in so long, that I couldn't believe I remembered all the things my mom had said to me as she quilted. I just realized that I Was listening to her while she would go on and on about fabrics and threads and ..... everyhting! I wasn't sure if I was more surprized that I could sew or I actually litlened to my Mother, oh well.
So I think I made about 30 baby blankets for my daughter and then all my friends, I was obsessed, I loved sewing and all the baby soft minky fabrics that I was using! My husband was even starting to make rules that when he came home from work I hade to turn the sewing machine off. I laugh right know about that bc I was SO annoyed that he would say that. But he was right! :)
My daughter, at the young age she was, slept all the time. Everyone tells me I got it easy with a new born, but she also Spit up all the time, especially after every feeding. My doctor said it was fine as long as she was gaining weight and was not unhappy, and Mackenzie was fine! Well the down side of having a "spitter upper" was that I had permanent spit up on my clothes and her car seat was disgusting. It was such a pain to take off the cover with all the staps to take apart, I hated it, but had to do it. So I decided to go and buy one of those cute and trendy car seat covers to make the clean up easlier.
Mackenzie and I hopped in the car and drove to the mall. I've never looked for one and had no idea how hard they were to find, they weren't at the mall, or Babies 'r' Us or Target! Now I was bummed, where else could they be? So I tried one more shop that carried highend stuff, and guess what, the car seat covers were there! YES!!! Yes!!! yes!!! I was so tired and deserved to strike gold.
So I'm looking at all my choices, and in the back of my mind I felt like a child in a candy shop, I was so excited after all my hard work Shopping around. But by this time the baby was not too happy and I had her out too long, so I grabbed a pink cover real fast and went to check out. The cute young girl rang me up and said that would come to $147.00. WHAT? That is more than the car seat, I was shocked and embarrased. I can't afford that, I'm thinking to myself what can I say real fast to get out of this? So I said, oh you know what my Mom said she's pick this up for me, I think I'll let her get it for the baby and not ruin her gift. The girl just looked at me a little strange and I pushed the stroller as fast I could with out running, out of the store.
As I walked to the car I was so disappointed. I tried to talk myself into buying it still, like saying to my self, " Mackenzie really needs it." But then the realistic side would say, "That is Way too much!" I was going back and forth and then all of a sudden a thought popped into my head, "I'm going to make one myself!" Yes, all of a sudden I was walking taller and faster. I was smiling and realized I could totally make one.
So that is how this whole thing started!